H/T Abraham Duran Monday, 8 May 2023 at 9:22 PM MST
This is simply because the County Assessor (the local-level sewer dweller government official who "determines" the "value" of your house) is in a state of collusion with the County Treasurer, the County Commission, etc., to get as much cash as possible out of you, by hook or by crook.
This is why it's essential to vote NO! on any and all bond issues and mill levies that are posted on your ballot sure, the Political Classholes will tell you that "this won't raise your property taxes," but when don't they lie through their teeth?
If they can't get a raise in the rate of the property taxes that they charge you, as "rent" on property that they tell you that you "own," then they tell you that your home is all of a sudden "worth more."
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